The Birds Will Continue To Sing

October 28, 2003

Hello All. Trust everyone is doing well. I may not have talked to you in some time and for that I sincerely apologize... Sometimes we all get caught up in things that seem important that we fail to realize what should matter most. Family, friends and our well-being we seem to take for granted.

At this hour, I am trying to think of a way to remember a man from which I learned quiet humility... Chris M was a friend, a teammate, an American. He was taken from us...

Back in September some friends and I had a little bonfire on a quiet stretch of beach near Crown Point in San Diego. Chris showed up during the night wearing a large wool coat. He sure looked comfortable!! As we talked and swapped stories of past adventures, he said that he was the happiest he had ever been. He said life was going great, the only thing he was missing was someone to share it with...

As I left for Iraq on 2 Oct., Chris told me goodbye and "see you when I see you". Chris left shortly thereafter back to Afghanistan. I bet he had that old coat with him and was comfortable! He is probably wondering why I am mailing all of you, my friends and family and smiling... I just want to share with you that you are in my thoughts and please keep us, the boys and girls that are abroad, in your thoughts and prayers. 

God bless. 
Chris Campbell


Why am I choosing to share this email at the end of the year? It's a perfect time to reflect. Life is fragile, and our world can change in an instant. It's been said there are two things in life that are certain, death and taxes. We can count on more than that! The birds will continue to sing, and the sun will continue to rise. I'm reminded of that often when I awaken to another day and hear the songs just outside my window. I am grateful for the melody because it reminds me that I have been gifted another day to earn my place on the planet.

As the end of the year approached in 2011, I didn't want to welcome in a new year. I wasn't prepared or ready to move into another year without my brother. It meant I was leaving him behind. Over time, I have embraced the idea that our sibling relationship continues - it's an unbreakable bond. It was a process for me to change my outlook and accept this way of thinking, and it certainly hasn't been easy! A similar journey is just beginning for many I know as loss accompanied laughter in 2022. 

The seconds will turn to minutes and then before you know it the hours will pass. On this last day of December, midnight will arrive; it will be time to replace one calendar with another. Partygoers will shout in celebration, colors will burst into sparkles in the night sky and champagne will be lifted upward in a toast. My hope for those who find their way to this post in 2023 is that you have many moments of joy and laughter this year. For the difficult days, that are a natural part of life, my prayer is you are granted with strength, courage and wisdom to navigate these challenges. 

Proud Sister of Christopher George Campbell, US Navy
September 16, 1974 - 8/6/11
"The greatest casualty is being forgotten" -WWP

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