
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Birds Will Continue To Sing

October 28, 2003 Hello All. Trust everyone is doing well. I may not have talked to you in some time and for that I sincerely apologize... Sometimes we all get caught up in things that seem important that we fail to realize what should matter most . Family, friends and our well-being we seem to take for granted. At this hour, I am trying to think of a way to remember a man from which I learned quiet humility ... Chris M was a friend, a teammate, an American. He was taken from us... Back in September some friends and I had a little bonfire on a quiet stretch of beach near Crown Point in San Diego. Chris showed up during the night wearing a large wool coat. He sure looked comfortable!! As we talked and swapped stories of past adventures, he said that he was the happiest he had ever been. He said life was going great, the only thing he was missing was someone to share it with... As I left for Iraq on 2 Oct., Chris told me goodbye and "see you when I see you". Chris left shortly t...