48 Lessons From My Brother, who became a Navy SEAL

Life provides many opportunities to reflect. Birthdays are one such occasion. Today, September 16th, is my brother's birthday. As I have reread his letters to share them with you over this past year, I have been astounded at the many life lessons Chris passed along to me. In the spirit of celebrating his life and what would have been his 48th birthday, I present to you... 48 lessons from my brother, who became a Navy SEAL.

1.  Live in the moment - unexpected scenarios will arise.

2.  Be present - opportunities for joy exist. 

3.  Play - every minute is precious.

4.  Stay active - you'll live longer.

5.  Be comfortable being alone - some of the best times are spent in solace.

6.  Don't follow the crowd - adventure awaits.

7.  Notice the beauty around you - it's everywhere.

8.  Define your happy place - enjoy it.

9.  Live life unregretfully - make choices that will help you achieve your goals.

10. Have fun - time passes quickly.

11. Connect with strangers - celebrate your shared humanity.

12. Slow down when you can - the grind will still be there.

13. Enjoy the good times - they might not be as frequent as you like.

14. Take chances - things might turn out pretty great.

15. Don't take things for granted - little things do matter.

16. Learn to live with things you don't understand  - they will happen.

17. View imposed limitations as temporary - everything has an ending.

18. Reach out to others - you might make their day.

19. Make time to send a card - it shows you care.

20. Be thoughtful in your interactions - everyone has a story.

21. Show compassion - life can be painful.

22. Follow your path - do what you do best.

23. Be someone's champion - encouraging words make a difference.

24. Focus on details - it can make a larger task manageable.

25. Stay balanced - discipline your mind.

26. Use setbacks as motivation - you can always improve.

27. Push yourself to do more - go beyond your limits.

28. Look past discomfort - focus on the goal.

29. Be thankful - cherish your memories.

30. Share joy - it can help someone feel less lonely.

31. Lead by example - raise your standard of excellence.

32. Live with intention - every moment counts. 

33. Be determined to succeed - put in the effort required.

34. Embrace challenges - they will make you stronger.

35. Dream big - make a plan.

36. Work hard - you will be rewarded.

37. Grow up - accept life's responsibilities.

38. Be a friend - connection is important.

39. Don't give up - you can do hard things.

40. Inspire others - everyone needs a hero.

41. Say kind words - do good deeds.

42. Volunteer - others need you.

43. Stay hopeful - things might work out. 

44. Live a life of service - find your purpose.

45. Be generous - donate to a good cause.

46. Set boundaries - it's healthy.

47. Learn to let go - you aren't always in control.

48. Celebrate accomplishments - extraordinary efforts are worthy of recognition.



Proud Sister of Christopher George Campbell, US Navy
September 16, 1974 - 8/6/11
"The greatest casualty is being forgotten" -WWP

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