
Showing posts from September, 2022

48 Lessons From My Brother, who became a Navy SEAL

Life provides many opportunities to reflect. Birthdays are one such occasion. Today, September 16th, is my brother's birthday. As I have reread his letters to share them with you over this past year, I have been astounded at the many life lessons Chris passed along to me. In the spirit of celebrating his life and what would have been his 48th birthday, I present to you... 48 lessons from my brother, who became a Navy SEAL. 1.  Live in the moment - unexpected scenarios will arise. 2.  Be present - opportunities for joy exist.  3.  Play - every minute is precious. 4.  Stay active - you'll live longer. 5.  Be comfortable being alone - some of the best times are spent in solace. 6.  Don't follow the crowd - adventure awaits. 7.  Notice the beauty around you - it's everywhere. 8.  Define your happy place - enjoy it. 9.  Live life unregretfully - make choices that will help you achieve your goals. 10. Have fun - time passes quickly. 11. Connec...