A Letter Written By A Light From A Window

I opened a box a few days ago that had been intentionally tucked away. Keeping it in a corner, behind closed doors, gave me a sense of control. Although its contents were out of sight, when I opened the closet door, my heart lurched. I could feel my jaw clench, and I instinctively held my breath. I knew exactly what was in the box, yet the emotions that surfaced always took me back to August 6, 2011. But, it was time - time to revisit some beautiful memories so that I could share them with you. 

Everyone's calendar is filled with dates that are meaningful to them... birthdays, holidays and graduations, to name a few. Many of these special moments are shared with those we love. Shortly after Chris turned 22, he joined the United States Navy. The date was Monday, November 25, 1996. I was living in Virginia at the time and decided to drive down to North Carolina that weekend to join my parents and take Chris to the recruiter's office. It was a BIG day! When I left for college, my room became Chris' room. I remember waking up that Sunday morning and going into his room where he was still snuggled under the covers. I crawled into bed with him and asked, "are you ready to join the Navy?". I'm so glad my mom captured these precious moments on film! 

In 1996, the infamous dance song "Macarena" was number 1, and a couple of the top rated tv shows were Friends and Seinfeld. Just the year before, Chris and a buddy attended Lollapalooza (a multi-city music festival) and stayed with me. As far as I was aware, we were living in a peaceful time in the United States in the mid-90's. While I had some anxiety about my brother joining the military, I wasn't vocal about it. I also do not believe my opinion would have influenced Chris' decision anyway. Oftentimes, when one has made up their mind to do something, very little can be said to persuade another to choose a different path. As much as I loved my brother, this was his life. I could choose to be supportive and encouraging or risk alienating him. I did believe joining the Navy would allow Chris the opportunity to determine if military life was for this happy-go-lucky, free-spirited, kid brother of mine.

Shortly after Chris went to Basic Training in Great Lakes, Illinois, we started writing letters. Yes, old school, pen-to-paper letters mailed via the United States Postal Service (i.e. Snail Mail). I would like to share one with you now. Please know there is a sensitive topic in this letter, and I would encourage you to proceed with caution. For Chris to write about this, I know it impacted him greatly. And, yes, the exclamation points are just as he wrote them.


5 Dec 96 -

Hope you guys are doing okay! I'm fine (COLD), but I've been so busy & the RDC's* do not give us much free time! I'm writing you now in my bed underneath light coming in from a window, so if there's any mistakes, understand why! Boot Camp isn't as hard as I thought it would be! However, last night, a girl in the division above us tried to commit suicide!!

The food's not too bad! We only eat 3 times a day though, & I stuff myself, trying to gain body fat, because we're outside marching a lot in the cold. I've already gained about 6 pds. It has snowed about every other day since my arrival!! It's beautiful, but it got old quick; I miss the SUNSHINE & BEACH ALREADY!!

Are the two of you still running regularly? Keep it up if you are, so in the Spring you will find it easier when the weather warms up! By then you'll be doing 8 miles a day!!

I'll tell [you] what I miss is sleep. We average about 4 hrs of sleep a night! Our Division has 87 guys in it & we all sleep in the same room!! It gets hectic sometimes!!

Next week my bunkmate & I are going to take the S.E.A.L. training test. When we pass the test, [we'll] be able to work out with them while in Boot Camp, instead of our own Division; the only drawback is that they start P.T. (Physical Training) at 3:30 AM. So we'll even get less sleep now, but I know it will pay off after Boot Camp, when I go to B.U.D.S. (SEAL School)!! 

Are the two of you still planning on moving to Iowa. I now know what your winters will be like if you do. So go ahead & get your gloves!

I've gotta go to sleep now so take care & try to write whenever, & I'll do the same!!

Love, Chris Campbell


*RDC - Recruit Division Commander

Proud Sister of Christopher George Campbell, US Navy
September 16, 1974 - 8/6/11
"The greatest casualty is being forgotten" - WWP

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