What's YOUR Why?
On June 21st, 2000, Chris emailed me from a cyber-cafe in the Phillipines. He and a few others took a tour of Corregidor Island. He wrote "If you are not up on your military history, this little island was the last stronghold that the U.S. and Phillipines were holding against Japan in WW2. This is the place where General MacArthur said those famous words, ' I shall return '. I am getting goosebumps typing!!" While on this trip, Chris had a particularly interesting encounter. "And, get this, this little guy that lived in the hills and fished for a living sold me this original dog tag that he dug up in the jungle. The moment I saw it I just [knew I] have to return it to the family that it belongs to. The soldier's name was Michael P. from Pittsburgh, PA. His wife's name and their home address is on the tag. This is my mission. I choose to accept. I will be so happy to find them and return it!" Chris ended this email to me by suggesting I call our mom ...