My Brother's Boots
You've likely heard this before, "it's the little things that matter most". When we were kids, this is one of the intangible gifts my mom gave us. She shared her observations and brought our attention to the almost imperceptible movements of life that occur in our natural world. Without realizing it, this was subtly incorporated into my own life by way of noticing the beauty around me. A chorus of birds greeting the day, the incessant activity of squirrels as they forage for their groceries, and discovering the first flower bud as the earth welcomes Spring are things that make my heart sing. Friendships have taken priority over chores, and somehow those always get done, too. One of the things I failed to make time for was visiting my brother. I thought we had plenty of time... in the future. Not too long after Chris died, I was given a pair of his boots. I remember hugging them so tight, just as I would have hugged him. I had no idea how much my brother's boots wo...