Do You Have A Dream?
The World Series has produced a winner! The Atlanta Braves won four out of the six games they played against the Houston Astros. The Braves literally smashed it out of the park on the final game with a score of 7 to 0. I have been to a few live games, and I love the energy that is present and especially the song played at the seventh-inning stretch. Although it's the end of the season for fans, I would imagine for the players and especially those who work at the stadiums, the lights remain on throughout the year. The 2022 season is around the corner though, and Major League Baseball announced earlier this year that Spring Training will begin February 26, 2022. For those who love the game, I am sure they anxiously await this day with great anticipation. My brother loved baseball! In an essay Chris wrote in 1994, his thesis statement reads, "Baseball is America's game, and I loved it with a passion, wanted to excel, and had a dream of one day playing professionally". ...